Category: Cyber Insurance

Why You AND Your Clients Need Cyber Insurance

November 28, 2022

Think of your very best small business clients. They’ve been going strong for years. They keep their budgets as trim as they can, but they don’t skimp on your cybersecurity services.  They’ve signed up for your best antivirus software offering and best firewalls. They may even have a well-qualified IT staff member on the inside […]

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Cyber Insurance: Benefits, Coverages, Policy Requirements & More

October 11, 2022

Any organization that aims to build robust cybersecurity understands that cyber insurance or cyber liability insurance is an essential component of any information security program. But recently, insurance claims have become increasingly complex and a policy is not a guarantee that when calamity strikes, the insurance companies will pay. An adequate understanding of cyber insurance […]

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5 Ways to Maximize Cyber Liability Insurance Benefits

May 03, 2022

Cyber liability claims are being denied because policyholders can’t prove they’ve met the terms of their policies by making ongoing efforts to minimize threats. To ensure payouts, companies need compliance management and reporting that meet their cyber insurance policy terms. That’s why it’s critical to make sure you’ve dotted your “i”s and crossed your “t”s […]

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Help Your Clients Maximize Cyber Liability Insurance Benefits

March 08, 2022

Cyber Liability Insurance is a great asset and offers you and your clients security if a breach occurs…if you and your client have done the homework and vigilantly recorded the work that’s been done, there’s a far greater chance the insurance provider will pay. Make sure you work with customers by following these basic instructions:  Educate […]

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What to look for in Cyber Risk Insurance

February 23, 2022

After an incredibly damaging and costly run of high-profile cybercrime, many businesses may be relieved to learn they can purchase some protection in the form of Cyber Risk Insurance. With so many companies having their data held hostage, who wouldn’t be a little scared that they might be next? But like every product category that […]

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Cyber Risk Insurance is Hot and You Need to Add it to Your Security Services

February 02, 2022

Companies are rightfully fearful of cyberattacks. Breaches, malware, bots, viruses and ransomware make regular appearances in the headlines and cost companies millions of dollars while damaging reputations and shaking consumer confidence.  Billions of accounts have been compromised in recent years, and the costs keep adding up. Companies lose customers and revenue with every attack. Each […]

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