MSP Skills Gap: Build in Automation to Deliver More Compliance Services
Many MSPs don’t know that they are already providing compliance services to their clients.
Most clients have IT privacy and security standards that they are required to follow. However, EVERY client should have their own basic set of IT policies and procedures that need to be followed to ensure their own security and data privacy. As an MSP, it’s your responsibility to ensure that and to document it. Most importantly, your clients should be paying you for this vital service.
Watch this webinar to learn how you can leverage automation to deliver better compliance services to all clients without additional manpower.
You’ll also learn the basics of IT Compliance:
• The right questions to ask your clients to begin your engagement
• What constitutes evidence of compliance to prove “Due Care”
• How to package and price your compliance service offering
• Purpose-built tools for MSPs to start making more money immediately
Watch now!